I am a tenure-track faculty at CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security in Saarbrücken, Germany. My main research interests are in formal verification and synthesis, with a focus on parameterized systems, and more recently on security properties in the presence of side channels.


February 2025: Our work Automatic WSTS-based Repair and Deadlock Detection of Parameterized Systems (with Tom Baumeister, Mouhammad Sakr and Marcus Völp) has been accepted for publication in Formal Methods in System Design.

November 2024: Our work Parameterized Verification of Systems with Precise (0,1)-Counter Abstraction (with Paul Eichler and Chana Weil-Kennedy) has been accepted for publication at VMCAI 2025 (arxiv preprint).

June 2024: Our work Learning Broadcast Protocols with LeoParDS (with Noa Izsak and Dana Fisman) has been accepted for publication at ATVA 2024.

June 2024: Our work Parameterized Verification of Round-based Distributed Algorithms via Extended Threshold Automata (with Tom Baumeister, Paul Eichler, Mouhammad Sakr and Marcus Völp) has been accepted for publication at FM 2024. (arxiv preprint)

June 2024: Our work The Reactive Synthesis Competition (SYNTCOMP): 2018–2021 (with Guillermo Perez and all the competition participants) has been published in STTT. (arxiv preprint)

April 2024: We have presented our works-in-progress Parameterized Verification of Systems with Precise (0, 1)-Counter Abstraction (arxiv preprint) and Parameterized Verification of Timed Networks with Lossy Broadcast and Clock Invariants (arxiv preprint) at the Workshop on Synthesis of Complex Parameters (SynCoP) in Luxemburg.

December 2023: Our work Learning Broadcast Protocols (with Dana Fisman and Noa Izsak) has been accepted for publication at AAAI 2024.

October 2023: Our works Parameterized Verification of Disjunctive Timed Networks (with Étienne André, Paul Eichler and Shyam Lal Karra) and Automatic and Incremental Repair for Speculative Information Leaks (with Joachim Bard and Yakir Vizel) have been accepted for publication at VMCAI 2024.

August 2023: We have open positions for PhD students and postdocs.

July 2023: We have presented the results of the 10th Reactive Synthesis competition SYNTCOMP at the Synthesis Workshop (SYNT) and the Conference on Computer-Aided Verification (CAV) in Paris, France.

July 2023: Our project Global Synchronization Protocols and Proving their Correctness has officially started its research into advanced properties of GSPs.

December 2022: Our work Synthesis of Distributed Agreement-Based Systems with Efficiently-Decidable Verification (with Nouraldin Jaber, Christopher Wagner, Milind Kulkarni and Roopsha Samanta) has been accepted for publication at TACAS 2023.

October 2022: We will have a special issue of the Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing on Dependability and Scalability of Distributed Systems in the Presence of Faults and Security Threats. Submission deadline is February 5, 2023.

October 2022: Mouhammad Sakr presents our joint work (with Marcus Völp) Automatic Repair and Deadlock Detection for Parameterized Systems at FMCAD 2022 in Trento.

September 2022: Created this page.